Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pictures Finally!


  1. Hi Alissa. This is a great blog. You have done a wonderful thing here. I realy enjoyed the pictures. You are in our prayers.

  2. Hey cool pictures! Thanks for sharing! Seems like you have a nice little flat there! Do you hang your washing to dry? We have to do that too! Nobody hardly uses dryers here! You get use to it...and learn to ONLY do laundry on sunny days! hehe ;)

  3. thanks guys! i really like my little house, and we're pretty eco-friendly over here. not because we feel like we should be but because it's just lots cheaper to not use washing machines or dryers. rainy season is on the way so i'm sure we'll have to get creative when drying our laundry, lol! keep your fingers crossed for sunny days!
